
For as long as I can remember, people have been drawn to me…trusting me with their consuming hurts and pains as well as their victories over difficult situations. I have come to think of therapy with me as “A Repair Shop for the Wounded.” Here you can come…to a safe and empathic environment free of judgment where you can take steps to heal, to realize your truth and embrace a more authentic version of yourself. Has wearing so many masks resulting in you losing your own identity? Well, no longer do you have to live your life for anyone other than yourself. Here you can learn to be free and reclaim control over your mind, your soul and your body!

Most importantly friend, YOU ARE NOT BROKEN!

You can work toward living a better life in which you are the greatest version of yourself leading to a life of joy and purpose!

If these words have resonated with you, please call or email me today for your 15 minute consultation.